Education activities to improve social skill for children with disabilitiesChildren with disabilities are a vulnerable group of children who face many difficulties in life and lack basic social skills. By selecting a typical case study, the Vocational Education and Training... Author: Ong Thuong Thi Mai, Khánh Dung Trần Thị, Nguyen Suong Thi, Nguyen Giang Thi, Tran Thu Anh Keyword: Education social skills children with disabilities
Solutions for managing pedagogical capacity training activities for primary school teachers to meet the 2018 General Education ProgramTo well realize the goal of innovation and improving the quality of education in primary schools, it is necessary to foster and develop teachers' capacity, especially pedagogical capacity. Pedagogical... Author: Dung Nguyen Tri Keyword: Training activities pedagogical capacity 2018 General Education Program primary school teachers
Using stories to integrate nutrition and health education for children in preschoolNutrition and health education are the main content in physical development education for preschool children. To help children develop some good habits and behaviors in eating and hygiene to prevent... Author: Hoài Cao Thu, Nhung Trần Thị Keyword: Story works nutrition and health education preschool children preschools integrated education
Actual situation of selecting examination and assessment methods to enhance the quality of self-learning for the computer networking courseTeaching and learning under the credit-based system has become widespread in the higher education system of Vietnam. The assessment of learning outcomes through credit-based education not only relies... Author: Dung Nguyen Thi, Nguyen Oanh Lan, Nguyen Phuong Thu, Mai Hoan Van, Vu Dung Viet, Do Luc Dinh Keyword: Examination assessment self-learning process course effectiveness and training quality
Administrators and teachers’ perception about positive discipline education for high school studentsIn the context of fundamental and comprehensive reform of education and training, in addition to innovating teaching content and teaching methods, changing moral education of students through positive... Author: Huynh Minh Ngoc Keyword: Positive discipline positive discipline education educational innovation high school student
Facial emotion recognition using deep learning technologyRecognizing emotions on human faces has always received attention and attraction from researchers. Along with the development of artificial intelligence, facial emotion recognition cameras are... Author: Hoa Nguyen Thi Thu, Ngo Huu-Huy, Tuyen Giap Manh, Duong Nong Van, Oanh Nguyen Thi Kieu Keyword: DeepFace Facial Emotion Recognition FER-2013 MTCNN VGG-Face
Cooperation between universities and businesses to provide practical support for student affairs, contributing to improving the quality of human resource training to meet social needs at Vinh UniversityIt can be asserted that human resource training should be closely aligned with societal needs, the labor market, and corporate involvement. Consequently, collaboration and partnerships between... Author: Doan Minh Van, Nguyen An Nhu Keyword: Training cooperation human resources training quality social needs universities
Teaching “Organization method of shaping activities for preschool children” according to the CDIO approachIn the context of Vietnamese education constantly innovating and receiving the advantages of the world's modern education, CDIO approach in teaching plays an important role, contributing to providing... Author: Giang Nguyen Thi Thanh Keyword: CDIO; approach and innovation; Preschool education; improve quality
Improving the roles and tasks of primary school administrators in the implementation of the 2018 General Education ProgramThe context of the implementation of the renovation of the 2018 General Education Program has been posing a requirement to improve the roles and responsibilities of educational institution management... Author: Nguyen Hang Thi Thu, Hiệp Phan Thai Keyword: Administrators; primary schools; educational programs.
Devloping and applying a set of criteria for monitoring experiential and career guidance activities according to the 2018 General Education ProgramResearch results on organizational management of experiential and career guidance activities in high schools has evidently demonstrated the role of supervising these educational activities. Through... Author: Thuong Le Thi Hoai Keyword: Set of criteria; monitor; experiential activities; career guidance.